Affiliate marketing is a powerful way to grow your business by leveraging the reach of other websites and online influencers. By setting up an affiliate program, you can incentivize others to promote your products and services and earn a commission for each sale they generate. In this article, we will explore How to create an affiliate program with Shopify apps.

How to create an affiliate program with Shopify apps

Steps to create an affiliate program with Shopify apps

Step 1: Choose an Affiliate App

Shopify has several affiliate apps that you can use to create your affiliate program. Some popular options include Refersion, Affiliate Royale, and LeadDyno. Each app has its unique features, pricing plans, and integrations, so you’ll need to research and compare them to find the best fit for your business.

For example, Refersion offers a comprehensive affiliate management system with advanced reporting and commission tracking, while Affiliate Royale is more affordable and suitable for small businesses. LeadDyno offers a unique “instant pay” feature that pays affiliates immediately upon making a sale, which can be a powerful incentive for affiliates.

Step 2: Install and Configure the App

Once you’ve chosen an affiliate app, you’ll need to install it on your Shopify store and configure it to your needs. Most apps will provide detailed instructions on how to set up your affiliate program, so be sure to follow them carefully.

Here are some basic steps you’ll likely need to complete:

Set up your commission structure

Decide how much you’ll pay affiliates for each sale they generate. Most apps will allow you to set up different commission rates for different products or categories.

Create affiliate signup and login pages

These pages allow potential affiliates to sign up for your program and existing affiliates to log in and access their dashboard.

Create affiliate links and banners

These are the promotional tools that affiliates will use to promote your products. Most apps will generate unique links and banners for each affiliate.

Set up reporting and tracking

You’ll need to be able to track how many sales each affiliate generates and how much commission they’ve earned. Most apps will provide reporting and tracking features to help you do this.

Configure payment options

Decide how and when you’ll pay affiliates. Most apps will allow you to pay affiliates through PayPal or direct deposit.

Step 3: Recruit Affiliates

Now that you’ve set up your affiliate program, it’s time to recruit affiliates to promote your products. There are several ways to do this, including:

Reach out to influencers and bloggers in your niche

Look for bloggers and influencers who have a large following in your niche and reach out to them with your affiliate program offer.

Use social media to promote your program

Share your affiliate program on your social media channels and encourage your followers to become affiliates.

Offer a referral program

If you have existing customers who love your products, offer them a referral program where they can earn a commission for referring others to your affiliate program.

Use paid advertising

You can use paid advertising to promote your affiliate program to a wider audience. For example, you can create a Facebook ad targeting people interested in your niche and promoting your affiliate program.

Step 4: Monitor and Optimize Your Program

Once your affiliate program is up and running, it’s important to monitor it regularly and optimize it for better results. Here are some tips for doing this:

Review your commission rates

If you’re not getting many affiliates or sales, consider increasing your commission rates to make your program more attractive.

Provide promotional materials

Make sure your affiliates have everything they need to promote your products, including banners, text links, and product descriptions.

Communicate regularly with your affiliates

Keep your affiliates updated on new products, promotions, and changes to your program.

Optimize your landing pages

Make sure the landing pages that your affiliates are sending traffic to are optimized for conversions. Test different headlines, images, and calls-to-action to see what works best.

Monitor your analytics

Use your affiliate app’s reporting and tracking features to monitor the performance of your affiliates and track your program’s ROI. Use this data to optimize your program and make data-driven decisions.

Encourage feedback

Ask your affiliates for feedback on your program, including what’s working well and what could be improved. Use this feedback to make adjustments and improvements to your program over time.


In conclusion, setting up an affiliate program using Shopify apps is a powerful way to grow your business and reach new customers. By following these steps, you can create an effective affiliate program that incentivizes others to promote your products and services and earn a commission for each sale they generate. Remember to choose the right app, configure it to your needs, recruit affiliates, and monitor and optimize your program for better results. With dedication and effort, you can create a successful affiliate program that drives traffic, conversions, and revenue for your business.